We know the pain of suddenly getting a check engine light on your Ford 6.2, finding out one of its cylinders is misfiring like crazy, but having no idea what the scanner means by “cylinder #2”.
After all, automakers don’t exactly mark cylinders with felt-tipped pens to clearly show you their numbers. But luckily for you, we’ve done our homework on stuff like this tons of times already.
So before you start wrenching into the depths of your engine bay just to locate that cylinder manually, we’d rather give you a cheat sheet to the Ford 6.2’s cylinder numbering here and now!
How do you identify the correct order of cylinder numbering on the Ford 6.2?
To identify the correct cylinder numbering on the Ford 6.2-liter V8, stand in front of the truck facing the open engine bay.
The Ford 6.2’s left bank will have cylinder #1 at the front and going to #4 at the rear. This is the same with the right bank, where #5 is in front going to #8 at the rear.
When it comes to the cylinder numbering of an engine, it can be confusing to figure it out as it’s not exactly a piece of info that you think about when choosing an engine option for a vehicle you want.
An engine’s cylinder numbering is not to be confused with its firing order, which is something commonly indicated in the owner’s manual of your vehicle anyway.
As for the cylinder numbering, this is something that has been designated by the manufacturer during the engine design process, in which at that point, the number of cylinders to use has obviously been decided already as well.
Number of Cylinders in a Ford 6.2L V8 Engine

Since the Ford 6.2-liter engine is a V8, this means that there are a total of 8 cylinders split into two separate banks arranged in a V-shaped configuration.
Furthermore, the banks on the Ford 6.2 utilize a single overhead camshaft (SOHC) design and are arranged at an angle of 90 degrees, giving the engine good balance in terms of minimizing vibrations from rotational forces.
Despite having more moving components compared to smaller engines such as V6s and I4s, the design of the Ford 6.2 is actually considered quite compact and lightweight for a V8.
Like many other V8s, the 8-cylinder design of the Ford 6.2 also makes it a versatile engine with ample amounts of power that is used in heavy-duty applications such as hauling and towing cargo loads.
Because of this, Ford primarily used the 6.2-liter V8, nicknamed the “Boss”, to power several of its full-size pickup trucks, most notably the F-150 Raptor and the F-Series Super-Duty models.
Cylinder Locations on a Ford 6.2L V8 Engine
Locating each individual cylinder on a specific engine is an important piece of the puzzle in finding out what the cylinder numbering is, as it allows you to familiarize yourself with how cylinders are positioned or oriented under the hood.
Of course, you’ll have to open up the hood and take off the engine/valve cover and intake pipes to reveal the engine’s cylinder block and actually see how each cylinder is divided from the others.
In the Ford 6.2 V8’s case, the engine is mounted longitudinally in the engine bay, separating its 8 cylinders into 4 on the left bank and 4 on the right bank.
Longitudinal engines are mounted parallel to the vehicle’s direction of travel, which means the cylinders also run from front to back. This type of layout is more common with larger engines like V8s.
Transverse engines, otherwise, are mounted perpendicularly in relation to the vehicle’s body and driveshaft, meaning that the cylinders run side-to-side instead.
Transverse engine layouts are most commonly used for smaller engines (e.g. I4s and V6s).

Once you’ve gained access to the Ford 6.2’s cylinders, you can then physically check its cylinder numbering sequence while following along with this guide.
Cylinder Numbering Sequence
The cylinder numbering sequence can be different between engines of the same type made by the same manufacturer, so it’s important to distinguish a specific engine like the Ford 6.2 V8 from the rest.
Again, since we’re dealing with a longitudinally-mounted V8 here, it means that there will be 4 cylinders on either side going from front to back.
Going by each cylinder bank’s placement that we discussed earlier, Ford decided to put the 6.2-liter V8’s cylinder #1 at the very front of the left bank, or in other words, the passenger-side bank when you’re standing in front of the vehicle and facing it.
From cylinder #1, it’s a pretty straightforward sequential numbering order from here on out on the same side, with cylinders #2, #3, and #4 going toward the rear of the left bank.
Moving on to the right bank, or the driver-side bank, it’s basically the same story. The frontmost cylinder will be #5, with #6, #7, and #8 going toward the rear of the right bank.
Just in case you want to keep track of the cylinder numbering of different engines that you’re working on, we also recommend keeping your own copy of our diagram for the Ford 6.2-liter V8’s cylinder layout below.

Importance of Identifying the Correct Cylinder Number for Ford 6.2 Engine
It’s important to identify the correct cylinder numbering for the Ford 6.2 V8 (or any engine) just in case you need to do any kind of maintenance work or locate a spark plug that may be misfiring.
In addition, Ford V8s also have their own unique cylinder numbers compared to other V8s worth noting.
Ford V8s have their own unique cylinder numbering.
No two engines are made exactly the same, even engines that are manufactured under the same brand. So how much more if we were to compare a Ford V8’s cylinder numbering with that of a Toyota or Chevy V8?
Each auto manufacturer can have different methods of cylinder numbering for their engines. They may choose to go for a sequence that’s commonly accepted for engines of a certain type.
For instance, Ford chose to go for the typical sequential numbering for its V8s, like the Ford 6.2. This means that the cylinders on the left and right banks are numbered sequentially from 1 to 4 and 5 to 8, respectively.
But if you compare it to the cylinder numbering of a Toyota V8 like the “1UR”, which is found in the Toyota Tundra, the cylinders would be numbered from the front as 1-3-5-7 (odd) on the driver’s side bank and 2-4-6-8 (even) on the passenger’s side bank.
Chevrolet also follows suit with this kind of odd-even numbering sequence for its V8s, which includes small-block, big-block, and LS V8s.
An odd-even cylinder numbering sequence is commonly based on the position of the cylinders on the engine’s crankshaft. Check out the diagram below to compare it side-by-side with the “sequential” method previously discussed.

Through these examples, we can see that cylinder numbering sequences can still be sometimes shared among different engine manufacturers, but the firing order of these cylinders, on the other hand, is a completely different ball game to figure out.
But going back, this also tells us how important it is to know the specific cylinder numbering of a certain engine like the Ford 6.2, so you don’t end up mismatching any components in case you need to open the engine.
Cylinder numbering serves as a guide for doing maintenance work.

It’s common practice to familiarize a specific engine’s cylinder numbering for doing any sort of work that involves taking off the valve cover and looking at the cylinder block.
Cylinder numbering makes it easier to identify and distinguish one cylinder from another, thereby making it a useful guide or point of reference whenever you’ll be doing maintenance on certain components.
Imagine a scenario wherein your vehicle’s ECU detects that there is something wrong with one of the cylinder’s valves, except it doesn’t exactly tell you which cylinder it is. If it was like that, then it would be a lot more difficult to identify the source of the problem.
Thankfully, whenever something does go wrong in today’s modern engines, the computer tells you exactly which cylinder is problematic.
Such is the case for the Ford 6.2-liter V8’s “PCM” (powertrain control module), which can tell you everything you need to know about locating faulty engine components.
Apart from other symptoms such as a check engine light (CEL) appearing on the dash or a noticeable decrease in performance, the Ford 6.2’s PCM can also send a diagnostic trouble code (DTC) that will give a description of the problem.

As an example, when a “P0300” code is detected on the Ford 6.2 via a diagnostic scanner such as “OBD-II”, it will tell you that multiple cylinders have been detected to misfire.
In comparison, getting a “P0301” code on the scanner means that there is a misfire detected in cylinder #1 alone, which can be caused by a faulty ignition coil, an intake leak, or a bad spark plug amongst other things.
So for this reason, knowing an engine’s cylinder numbering also saves you a lot of time (and potentially money), as you wouldn’t have to check each individual cylinder to find the issue and maybe risk replacing the wrong part.
It helps in locating a misfiring spark plug.
It’s essential to know the cylinder numbering of an engine whenever you start experiencing misfires, as you’ll be going in blind otherwise and will have a tough time trying to locate the misfire manually.
If you were to experience a misfire on the Ford 6.2 V8, one of the most common culprits would be a bad spark plug. Thus, you’ll have to locate the exact cylinder where the misfiring spark plug is.
Even if the PCM was to tell you that cylinder #1 is misfiring, without knowing the cylinder numbering of the Ford 6.2, you will still have no direction as to which cylinder is #1 among the 8 that the engine has.
But if you’ve already reached this point in the guide, then you’re most likely already aware that the Ford 6.2’s cylinder #1 is located at the very front of the left bank (passenger-side bank).
Now that you’ve located where cylinder #1 is, you can then start to look into the misfiring spark plug and possibly other surrounding components, such as the valve springs, that may have something to do with the misfiring issue too.
Significance of Proper Cylinder Numbering for Engine Performance
Cylinder numbering merely assigns specific numbers for each cylinder for reference, so it has no bearing on engine performance.
However, the number of cylinders (how many cylinders there are) can significantly affect the performance of an engine and can even change how it delivers power.

Amid the possibly thousands of factors to consider during the engine design phase, the engine dynamics can drastically change depending on just how many cylinders the manufacturer decides to use.
The general rule is that the more cylinders that an engine has, the higher the potential it has in making more power.
Furthermore, an engine with more cylinders will be able to carry more load and pull in more air and fuel than an engine with fewer cylinders.
Keep in mind, however, that an engine’s power potential can be a complex topic to talk about that involves many other variables aside from the number of cylinders.
Such variables can include things like the choice of engine parts, the type of fuel used, the tuning of the ECU, the engine displacement, the cylinder bore and stroke, and the list goes on.
One common trade-off with having more cylinders, of course, is that you’ll be consuming more fuel at once. This is why fuel-efficient cars typically go for only a 4-cylinder engine as opposed to a powerful V8 out of a Ford Mustang.
At the end of the day, the number of cylinders that an engine has is also determined by the purpose of the engine. After all, automakers wouldn’t put a V12 in a car that was meant to battle against the Prius for fuel mileage.
What is the difference between cylinder numbering and firing order/sequence?
Cylinder numbering is the designated number for each cylinder that is assigned by the manufacturer during the design process.
Firing order/sequence is the order by which the cylinders are ignited or “fired”. In the case of diesel engines, this is the order by which cylinders receive fuel.
While cylinder numbering and firing order both incorporate the use of numbers in a sequence, one only serves as a reference to the positions of the cylinders while the other can change several characteristics of an engine.
What is the firing sequence/order of a Ford 6.2 V8 engine?
The firing order/sequence of a Ford 6.2 V8 engine is 1-3-7-2-6-5-4-8 using a distributorless ignition system.

You’re more likely to find similarities in the cylinder numbering between different engines rather than similarities in firing order.
While cylinder numbering can simply depend on how many cylinders there are, there is a bit more to be considered when choosing the order in which cylinders are fired or ignited.
When car manufacturers design engines, they need to take into account the firing order so that optimal engine balance with minimal vibrations is achieved.
The approach to achieve this may vary between manufacturers and even engines, which is why one V8 may have a different firing order from another V8.
Is there any standard cylinder numbering method for all Ford engines?
Ford primarily likes to use a simple sequential method when numbering cylinders, meaning that the cylinders in one bank are all marked in numerical order from front to back (1-2-3-4).
You can commonly see this sequential approach to cylinder numbering on Ford’s longitudinally-mounted engines, whether it be V6s, V8s, or even I4s (inline-4s). These engines are used in various rear-wheel drive Ford models.